Our Vision and Values

Our Mission statement: To bring the fresh hope of Jesus into every area of our lives and our community.

UP – Worship God only

  • Singing, learning, praying and serving are all ways to worship God. We focus on God with thanksgiving and praise. We gather humbly in His Name, knowing that it is only by God’s loving kindness that we can be part of His family.
  • We value grounding our lives in the Bible and knowing the empowering of the Holy Spirit to live out this life.


IN – Investing into God’s family

  • In our church family, we value authentic Christian community as vital for spiritual growth. Life is better in loving community.
  • We value discovering how God has wired us to serve in His family. Everyone has something to contribute.


OUT – Reaching out to our world

  • We value proactively sharing and showing the hope of Jesus to all people starting with our friends and family.
  • We value local churches working together to build God’s kingdom. We can accomplish more together than apart.